This file is KEYWORDS.TXT. It lists all the statements, functions, and metastatements from TurboBasic and PowerBasic. Very useful when converting source code from one to the other. Of course, PowerBasic is almost completely backwards compatible with TurboBasic - you should rarely have any problems. If you really want to use PowerBasic source code, it is much better to contact Spectra Publishing about upgrading - they seem eager for TurboBasic users to move up to PowerBasic. There are many other reasons, some of which become apparent from browsing the following listing. Commands common to TurboBasic and PowerBasic $DYNAMIC $EVENT $IF/$ELSE/$ENDIF $INCLUDE $INLINE $SEGMENT $SOUND $STACK $STATIC ABS ASC ATN BEEP BIN$ BLOAD BSAVE CALL CALL ABSOLUTE CALL INTERRUPT CEIL CFIX CHAIN CHDIR CHR$ CIRCLE CINT, CLNG, CQUD, CSNG, CDBL, CEXT, CFIX, CBCD CLEAR CLOSE CLS COLOR COM() COMMAND$ COMMON COS CSRLIN CVI,CVL, CVQ, CVS, CVD, CVE, CVF, CVB CVMD, CVMS DATA DATE$ DECLARE DECR DEF FN/END DEF DEFINT, DEFLNG, DEFSNG, DEFDBL, DEFSTR DEF SEG DELAY DIM DO/LOOP DRAW END ENDMEM ENVIRON ENVIRON$ EOF ERADR ERASE ERDEV/ERDEV$ ERL/ERR ERROR EXIT EXP, EXP2, EXP10 FIELD FILES FIX FOR/NEXT FRE FUNCTION/END FUNCTION GET GET$ GOSUB GOTO HEX$ IF INCR INKEY$ INP INPUT INPUT # INPUT$ INSTAT INSTR INT IOCTL/IOCTL$ KEY KEY() KILL LBOUND LCASE$ LEFT$ LEN LET LINE LINE INPUT LINE INPUT # LOC LOCAL LOCATE LOF LOG/LOG2/LOG10 LPOS LPRINT/LPRINT USING LSET MEMSET MID$ MKDIR MKI$, MKL$, MKQ$, MKS$, MKD$ MKMD$, MKMS$ MTIMER NAME OCT$ ON COM() ON ERROR ON/GOSUB ON/GOTO ON KEY() ON PEN ON PLAY ON STRIG ON TIMER OPEN OPEN COM OPTION BASE OUT PAINT PALETTE/PALETTE USING PEEK PEN PLAY PMAP POINT POKE, POKEI, POKEL, POKE$ POS PRESET PRINT PRINT USING PRINT #/PRINT # USING PSET PUT PUT$ RANDOMIZE READ REG REM RESET RESTORE RESUME RETURN RIGHT$ RMDIR RND RSET RUN SCREEN SEEK SELECT SGN SHARED SHELL SIN SOUND SPACE$ SPC SQR STATIC STICK STOP STR$ STRIG STRING$ SUB/END SUB SUB INLINE/END SUB SWAP SYSTEM TAB TAN TIME$ TIMER TROFF/TRON UBOUND UCASE$ VAL VALPTR VARPTR$ VARSEG VIEW WAIT WHILE/WEND WIDTH WINDOW WRITE WRITE # Commands added to PowerBasic $COM $COMPILE $CPU $DEBUG $ERROR $FLOAT $LIB $LINK $OPTION $STRING ARRAY ARRAY SORT ARRAY SCAN ARRAY INSERT ARRAY DELETE ASCII CBCD CEXT CFIX CQUD CVB CVE CVF CVQ DECLARE DEFBCD DEFEXT DEFFIX DEFFLX DEFQUD EXECUTE EXTERNAL EXTRACT$ FILEATTR FIXDIGITS FLEXCHR$ FREEFILE FUNCTION LTRIM$ MAP MAX MAX% MAX$ MIN MIN% MIN$ MKB$ MKE$ MKF$ MKQ$ PEEKI PEEKL PEEK$ POKEI POKEL POKE$ PUBLIC REDIM REMOVE$ REPEAT$ REPLACE ROUND RTRIM$ STRPTR STRSEG TALLY USING$ VERIFY Commands added/changed to PowerBasic v2.10a $LINK more flexibility when linking .OBJ files ATTRIB sets DOS attribute of file (statement) ATTRIB reads DOS attribute of a file (function) DIR$ allows easy directory reading CHDRIVE easy changing of default disk drive COM controls trapping of COM port events CURDIR$ returns the current directory path FRE now causes allocated but unused string space to be compressed INPUT can read strings up to 32750 characters LINE INPUT can read strings up to 32750 characters LOCK ON COM declares trap subroutine for COM port events OPEN Network support for access and locking rights also support for COM 3 and COM 4 OPTION BASE specifiy 0 or 1 for 1st byte position for binary mode SEEK sets file pointer for file opened in any mode (statement) SEEK returns file pointer location (function) UNLOCK WIDTH sets logical line size for printer/screen/comm port Many new error messages been added as well as other performance related features (smaller .EXE, faster, more string space).